Where to find me on social media

Mastodon: https://mindly.social/@emmanewman
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/emmanewman.bsky.social
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@emapocalyptic (I am not yet settled there)
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaNewmanAuthor
(Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emmanewman)
Twitter: @emapocalyptic (I only post very occasionally and do not hang out there anymore.)
Instagram: @emapocalyptic (I am terrible at updating this, and don’t really hang out there)
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emma-newman-858142283/ I am very new to that network and still figuring it out!
Facebook: I only use that to keep in touch with my LARP community

That’s it. Here are some details on how I engage with social media, organised by platform, so you know what to expect.

I put Patreon in brackets as it’s not, strictly speaking, a social media platform. However, patrons can send me messages through the site and can leave comments on posts. Communication with Patrons is always prioritised.

Twitter: I do not actively hang out Twitter any more. (I cannot even get on board with its new name) because a certain owner has crossed a line. I am keeping the account in the desperate hope he will get bored and sell it.

I am unlikely to respond to DMs, and they are closed to people I don’t follow anyway. I might, on VERY rare occasions, RT or splurge some thoughts out, but I will mostly be using it in the way I hate most: just to let people know when something is happening elsewhere (be it a Patreon post, new YouTube video, book stuff). It is no longer fun to be social there in the way I used to be.

Instagram: I will not respond to DMs there. I never see them in a timely fashion, and I am not a fan of the interface.

Facebook: This is pretty locked down and mostly used for communicating with people I know in real life, and to keep abreast of LARP events and news. That’s it. Please do not send me a friend request unless we know each other well (and there are many people I know well that I will not connect to there, so don’t take it personally). Please do not send me messages on there either: the new layout makes it laughably hard to see messages from non-friends and I will not see it. If you want to send me a message, emailing me through this site is better.

Goodreads and other social networks: I may have a presence there left over from many years ago, back before the social media landscape turned into the flaming tar pits that it is now, but I don’t use them actively anymore. I do not use Goodreads at all now, and have no intention to post new reviews, but I will keep my profile there.